Campus Racial Climate Model
Click on the image above to learn more about each of the 5 dimensions of the Campus Racial Climate model.
The Campus Racial Climate model is derived from research conducted for the following publications:
Hurtado, S., J.F. Milem, A.R. Clayton-Pedersen, and W.R. Allen. (1998). Enhancing campus climates for racial/ethnic diversity through educational policy and practice. Review of Higher Education 21 (3) : 279-302.
Hurtado, S., J.F. Milem, A.R. Clayton-Pedersen, and W.R. Allen. (1999). Enacting diverse learning environments: Improving the campus climate for racial/ethnic diversity in higher education. ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Reports Series 26 (8). San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
Milem, J.F., E.L. Dey, and C.B. White. (2004). Diversity considerations in health professions education. In In the nation's compelling interest: Ensuring diversity in the health care workforce, ed. B.D. Smedley, A.S. Butler, and L.R. Bristow, 345-390. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
Milem, J. F., Chang, M. J., & Antonio, A. L. (2005). Making diversity work on campus: A research-based perspective. Washington, DC: Association American Colleges and Universities.