LRC Focus Areas
Language, Reading and Culture has a wide range of courses and experiences available to graduate students. The focus areas identified in this document reflect possible concentration areas in a master's or educational specialist's program and majors or minors in a doctoral program. Students are not restricted to the identified areas and can work with their advisor to create their own focus areas or to put together a broadly based program that cuts across various focus areas. They may also change their focus areas during their program. Doctoral students who major and minor within LRC must identify separate and distinct focus areas for the major and for the minor.
Each focus area contains a list of related courses. These courses are not requirements, but options that students may consider if they have an interest in that area. In addition to the regularly scheduled courses that are listed, special topic courses and seminars are offered on an occasional basis. Courses at the 600 and 700 level are typically considered doctoral level courses. The lists of courses for each focus area are not exhaustive but have been identified as most closely at the heart of that focus area. They are the options that are currently available which are most specifically related to a particular focus area.
This list of courses and focus areas is designed to be used by students and their advisors in planning a student's program of study. It provides a set of possibilities, not a set of requirements. Students and advisors are encouraged to use it flexibly as a point of departure in creating focus areas and course lists that fit a particular student's needs and interests.
Master Students are required to take LRC 504, Language and Culture in Education, and LRC 505, Essentials of Reading and Writing, the core courses with LRC. These courses should be taken as early as possible in a student’s program because they are prerequisites to many other LRC courses. Doctoral students are recommended to take LRC 651, Reading, Writing and Texts, and /or LRC 680, Multicultural Education and Social Justice, as core classes, depending on their previous coursework and consultation with their advisor.
Adolescent Literacy
Anthropology and Education
Bilingual Education and Biliteracy
Children's and Adolescent Literature
College and Adult Literacy
Diversity and Social Culture
Early Literacy and Family Literacy Studies
Educating English Language Learners
Educational and Applied Linguistics
Indigenous/American Indian Language and Education
Language Planning
Literacy Processes and Practices
Multimodal and New Literacies
Other examples of possible focus areas include:
Urban and Immigration Education
Semiotics and Media in Education
Multicultural/Multiracial Education
Qualitative Methods in Language and Literacy
Language and Culture
Intercultural and Global Perspectives
Language Arts Education
These focus areas can also be related to state-approved endorsements in bilingualism, reading, and ESL.
The following LRC research methodology courses are of interest to students in most of the focus areas and so are not listed within any one area:
LRC 576 Teacher Research
LRC 578 Field Experience in Communities and Schools
LRC 696d Language Research Methodology in Education / Case Studies in Language and Literacy / Discourse Analysis
The following doctoral seminars would be of interest to doctoral students in many of the focus areas:
LRC 795d Influential Readings in Language and Education
LRC 795b Vysotsky and Education
LRC 795c Language Planning and Policy
LRC 696a Writing for Publication
LRC values experiential learning and assumes that the focus areas will involve professional experiences along with formal courses. In consultation with their advisors, students can choose options that fit their goals and programs. These experiences cut across the focus areas and include the following possibilities:
Participation in Professional Organizations and Conferences
Participation in Multicultural Experiences
Professional Service (conference presentations or conference organization)
Curricular or Administrative Leadership
Community Service
Teaching Assistant
Research Assistant
Editorial Assistant
Service on Review Boards
Student Teaching Supervisor
Teaching Internship with Faculty
Departmental Committees
Graduate Student Organization
Leadership in Technology
Additional/Supplemental Teaching Experiences
Grant Writing
Consulting and Professional Development
Observation and Participation in Schools or Other Related Organizations
LRC 521 Literacy Curriculum & Instruction for Adolescents
LRC 523 Literacy in the Content Areas for Adolescents
LRC 585 Literature for Adolescents
LRC 595a New Literacies
LRC 595a Literacy in Urban Settings
LRC 651 Reading, Writing & Texts: A Psycho-Sociolinguistics Perspective
LRC 680 Reader Response
LRC 696a Global Perspectives on Girls and Women's Education
LRC 696a Language and Youth Culture
Other possible courses:
ENGL 597a Southen Arizona Writing Project
EDP 503 Advanced Adolescent Development
ANTH 672 Adolescence in the Global Context
IRLS 582 Young Adults and Public Libraries
LRC 512 Educating Culturally Diverse Students in a Pluralistic Society
LRC 578 Field Research in Communities & Schools
LRC 581 Multicultural Literature and Literacy
LRC 595e Anthropology and Education
LRC 640 Multicultural Education & Social Justice
LRC 641 Immigration and Education
LRC 696a Global Perspectives on Girls and Women’s Education
LRC 795a Ethnography and Literacy
LRC 795b Vygotsky and Education
Other possible courses:
ANTH 548 Writing Culture
ANTH 576 Language In Culture
ANTH 583 Sociolinguistics
ANTH 608 History of Anthropological Theory
ANTH 613 Culture and Power
ANTH 680A Foundations of Linguistic Anthropology
ANTH 620 Linguistic Field Techniques
ANTH 679 Language and Ethnography
LRC 504 Language and Culture in Education
LRC 510 Foundations of Bilingual Education and Second Language Learning
LRC 512 Educating Culturally Diverse Students in a Pluralistic Society
LRC 514 Reading and Writing in Bilingual and Second Language Settings
LRC 516 Structured English Foundations
LRC 517 Structured English Immersion Methods
LRC 528 Curriculum and Instruction in Bilingual and Second Language Settings
LRC 578 Field Research in Communities & Schools
LRC 581 Multicultural Literature and Literacy
LRC 641 Immigration and Education
LRC 653 Written Language Development
LRC 595a Language Socialization Across Cultures
LRC 595a Issues in Educating Bilingual/Multicultural Children
LRC 694a Practicum in Bilingual Education,Dual Language, ESL & Structured English Immersion
LRC 696b Research in Bilingual and Dual Language Education
LRC 795c Language Planning and Policy
LRC 795a Biliteracy
Other possibilities:
AILDI (8-10 interrelated courses offered each summer: minimum of 2 courses required)
ANTH 679 Language and Ethnography
ANTH/MAS 508 The Mexican-American: A Cultural Perspective
ENGL 596j Second Language Acquisition Research
ENGL 5960 Topics in Second Language Teaching
ENGL 613 Methods of Teaching Eng. to Speakers of Other Languages
ENGL 612 Grammatical Analysis
SLAT/LING 500 Linguistics for Nonmajors
SLAT 596Y Topics in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching
SPAN 580 Introduction to Spanish Sociolinguistics
LRC 580 Children’s Literature in the Classroom
LRC 581 Multicultural Literature and Literacy
LRC 582 The Art of the Picture Book
LRC 583 Literature Discussion
LRC 584 Literature, Literacy and the Young Child
LRC 585 Literature for Adolescents
LRC 595a International Children’s and Adolescent Literature
LRC 595a Oral Traditions and Story Telling
LRC/ENGL 680 Reader-Response Theories and the Teaching of Literature
Other possible courses:
IRLS 504 Foundations of Library and Information Services
ENGL 596k Methods and Materials of Literary Research
ENGL 515 History of Criticism and Theory
ANTH 549a Folklore
AIS 577 Studies in American Indian Literature
EAS 522 Asian American Literature
GWS 563 Gender Issues and Women’s Literature in the Middle East
LAS 530/540 Development of Spanish-American Literature
TAR 510 Educational Drama Methods
LRC 521 Literacy Curriculum & Instruction for Adolescents
LRC 523 Literacy in the Content Areas for Adolescents
LRC 585 Literature for Adolescents
LRC 540 College Developmental and Academic Literacy
LRC 541 Adult Basic Literacy
LRC 696a Global Perspectives on Girls and Women’s Education
Other possible courses:
ENGL 595 Community Literacy
AED 539 Experiential Educational Principles and Practices
AED 597T Instructional Advances in Non-formal Education
AED 697c Workshop on Teaching at the College Level
SOC 521 Community Services Policy
SOC 530 Theories and Research in Social Psychology
SOC 533 Social Relations, Groups and Network
LRC 640 Multicultural Education and Social Justice
LRC 508 The Mexican American: Cultural Perspectives
LRC 512 Educating the Culturally Diverse Student
LRC 575a The Education of Latinos and Latinas
LRC 641 Immigration and Education
LRC 677 History of American Indian Education
LRC 678 Contemporary American Indian Education
LRC 696a Global Perspectives on Girls and Women’s Education
Other possible courses:
TTE 537 Equity in Schools and Society
ANTH 613 Culture and Power
SOC 560 Race and Ethnicity
MAS 565 Critical Race Theories for Policy & Practice
LRC 532 Early Literacy Curriculum & Instruction
LRC 582 The Art of the Picture Book
LRC 584 Literature, Literacy and the Young Child
LRC 652 Language Acquisition and Development
LRC 653 Written Language Development
LRC 595a Language Socialization Across Cultures
LRC 795a Biliteracy
LRC 795b Vygotsky and Education
Other possible courses:
IRLS 523 Early Childhood and Public Libraries
LRC 510 Foundations of Bilingual Education and Second Language Learning
LRC 512 Educating the Culturally Diverse Student
LRC 514 Reading and Writing in Bilingual and Second Language Settings
LRC 516 Structured English Immersion
LRC 517 Structured English Immersion Methods
LRC 522 Literacy in the Content Areas for Children
LRC 523 Literacy in the Content Areas for Adolescents
LRC 528 Curriculum and Instruction in Bilingual and Second Language Settings
LRC 581 Multicultural Literature and Literacy
LRC 640 Multicultural Education and Social Justice
LRC 641 Immigration and Education
LRC 653 Written Language Development
LRC 654 Educational and Applied Linguistics
LRC 694a Practicum in Bilingual Education,Dual Language, ESL and Structured English Immersion
LRC 696b Research in Bilingual Education
LRC 795a Biliteracy Development
LRC 795c Language Planning & Policy
Other possible courses:
AILDI (8-10 interrelated courses offered each summer: minimum of 2 required)
ANTH 679 Language and Ethnography
ANTH/MAS 508 The Mexican-American: A Cultural Perspective
ENGL 596j Second Language Acquisition Research
ENGL 612 Grammatical Analysis
ENGL 615 Second Language Acquisition Theory
ENGL/SLAT 613 Methods of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
LING/SLAT 500 Linguistics for Nonmajors
MAS 509 Mexican Immigration
MAS 575a Education of Latina/os
SLAT 521 American English
LRC 557 Application of Miscue Analysis
LRC 612/ENGL 612 Grammatical Analysis
LRC 651 Reading, Writing & Texts: A Psycho-Sociolinguistic Perspective
LRC 652 Language Acquisition & Development
LRC 654 Educational & Applied Linguistics
LRC 795a Sociolinguistics in Education
LRC 795a Biliteracy
Other possible courses:
SLAT/LING 500 Linguistics for Nonmajors
ANTH/LING 583 Sociolinguistics
ANTH/LING 576 Language in Culture
ANTH 620 Linguistic Field Techniques
SLAT 573 Semiotics and Language
AIS 597A Descriptive Linguistics for Native American Languages
LRC 595a Native American Children's Literature in the Classroom
LRC 595a Oral Traditions and Story Telling
LRC 595e Anthropology and Education
LRC 696c American Indian Languages,Cultures and Schooling
LRC 640 Multicultural Education and Social Justice
LRC 652 Language Acquisition & Development
LRC/AIS 677 History of American. Indian Education
LRC/AIS 678 Contemporary American Indian Education & Research
LRC 795c Language Planning and Policy
AILDI (8-10 interrelated courses offered each summer,often including:
LING 500 Linguistics for Native American Communities
LING 541 Language Acquisition: American Indian Language Immersion
LING 576 Morphology: Ingenuity of Languages
LRC 595a Native American Children's Literature in the Classroom
Other possible courses:
AIS 489 Areal Survey of Native North American Languages
AIS 597A Descriptive Linguistics for Native American Languages
AIS 577 Studies in American Indian Literature
AIS 596M Studies in the Oral Tradition
AIS 584 Development of Federal Indian Policy
AIS 603/LAW 603 Nation Building
AIS 696c Asserting Sovereignty through Cultural Preservation
AIS 548 Research Design and Methodology
AIS 602 Interdisciplinary Research: Theory and Methods
LRC 795c Language Planning and Education
LRC 510 Foundations of Language Minority Education
LRC 516 Structured English Immersion
LRC 654 Educational and Applied Linguistics
LRC 696b Research in Bilingual Education
AILDI Special topics courses in language planning (check current schedule)
Other possible courses:
ENGL 615 Second Language Acquisition Theory
ENGL 596j Second Language Acquisition Research
ANTH 680a/b Foundations in Linguistic Anthropology
ANTH 696c Linguistic Anthropology
LRC 514 Reading and Writing in Bilingual and Second Language Settings
LRC 532 Early Literacy Curriculum and Instruction
LRC 557 Application of Miscue Analysis
LRC/ENGL 680 Reader-Response Theories
LRC 651 Reading, Writing and Texts: A Psycho-Sociolinguistics Perspective
LRC 652 Language Acquisition & Development
LRC 653 Written Language Development
LRC 680 Reader Response
LRC 696c Research in Retrospective Miscue Analysis
Courses required for a reading endorsement
LRC 505 Essentials of Reading and Writing
LRC 520 Literacy Curriculum & Instruction for Children
LRC 521 Literacy Curriculum & Instruction for Adolescents
LRC 522 Literacy in the Content Areas for Children
LRC 523 Literacy in the Content Areas for Adolescents
LRC 524 Literacy Assessment
LRC 525 Literacy Assessment, Instruction & Intervention
LRC 526 Curricular Leadership in Literacy & Language
LRC 694b Practicum in Literacy Settings
Other possible courses:
ENGL 510 Teaching of Composition
ANTH 548 Writing Culture
ANTH/LING/SLAT 577 Discourse and Text
LRC 515 Media and Literacy
LRC 530 Literacy and Technology
LRC 560 Multimedia Literacy
LRC 564 Literacy and the Arts
LRC 582 The Art of the Picture Book
LRC 595a The Role of Technology in Language Arts Instruction
LRC 595a New Literacies
LRC 595a Media and Semiotics
LRC 645 Technology in Literacy Research
Other possible courses:
EDL 663 Computer Applications in School Administration
COMM 515 Nonverbal Communication
IRLS 501 Organization of Information
ANTH 620 Linguistic Field Techniques
SLAT 573 Semiotics and Language
Students may choose to take courses within a focus area that will lead to a state-approved endorsement in bilingual education, reading or ESL.
The Reading Endorsements available include K-6, 7-12 and K-12.
K-6 (24 units); LRC 505, 520, 522, 524, 525, 526, 694b, Elective
7-12 (24 units); LRC 505, 521, 523, 524, 525, 526, 694b, Elective
K-12 (30 units); LRC 505, 520, 521, 522, 523, 524, 525, 526, 694b (6 hours)
The following courses must be taken as part of the M.A. to meet state endorsement requirements: LRC 504, 510, 512, 514, and, 516 and 528, LRC 694a Bilingual Practicum, ENGL 508 (or 613) or LRC 517.
Students seeking Arizona Bilingual Certification must possess an Arizona Teaching Certificate and pass the Language Proficiency Examination. Proficiency in American Indian Languages will be determined by the designated tribal official. For other languages, consult a bilingual education advisor. Student seeking Arizona Bilingual Endorsement must consult a bilingual education advisor. Obtaining the master’s degree in BME does not grant the certificate or the endorsement.
The following courses meet the state endorsement requirements: LRC 516 and 517.
Choose one course from each of the following categories:
Foundations: LRC 510 or LRC 516
Linguistics: LRC 504, LRC 653 or LRC 654
ESL Methods: ENGL 508, ENGL 613, or LRC 517
LRC 527, LRC 528, LRC 514, LRC 522, LRC 523
Culture: LRC 512
Practicum: LRC 578, or LRC 694a (or equivalent experience)
For information on Arizona State Endorsements go to this link: